Makeiva Albritten Net Worth: Rising Star in Entertainment

Makeiva Albritten’s estimated net worth is approximately $500,000. Her monetary achievement originates from a blend of her acting vocation, support, and her dynamic presence via virtual entertainment stages like YouTube and Instagram. This broadened approach has added to her monetary strength and development.

Who is Makeiva Albritten

Makeiva Albritten is a refined American entertainer, model, and artist perceived for her astounding exhibitions in film and TV. Brought into the world on July 17, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan, she has laid down a good foundation for herself as a rising star in media outlets. Her vocation remembers prominent jobs for movies, for example, “Bond Money” and “Queen of Kings,” as well as a huge job in the television series “The Dirty D.”

Makeiva Albritten Age Height & Weight

Makeiva Albritten, brought into the world on July 17, 1995, is at present 28 years of age. Her age mirrors a mix of energetic essentialness and mature impressive skill that she brings to her jobs. Remaining at roughly 5 feet 7 inches (170 cm) tall, Makeiva has a directing presence that supplements her screen exhibitions. Her weight is around 68 kg (150 lbs), adding to her reasonable and athletic constitution. These actual qualities, joined with her striking highlights, upgrade her capacity to depict many characters with both beauty and effect.

Makeiva Albritten Early Life and Background

Birth and Heritage

Makeiva Albritten was brought into the world on July 17, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan. She gladly embraces her African-American legacy and American ethnicity. Since early on, Makeiva showed an energy for the performing expressions, upheld by a cherishing and empowering family.

Makeiva Albritten Education

Albritten’s conventional schooling occurred at Wayne State College, where she sought after theater and dance. This scholarly foundation was instrumental in forming her abilities and vocation direction. At Wayne State, she drenched herself in different parts of performing expressions, sharpening her art and getting ready for her future jobs in media outlets.

Makeiva Albritten Professional  Journey

Early Vocation and Forward leap

Albritten’s vocation started with critical jobs in displaying and dance, which laid out her as a promising ability. Her change to acting was set apart by a leading edge job in the television series “The Filthy D,” where she played Kyra. This job exhibited her acting abilities and made ready for future open doors.

Outstanding Film and television Jobs

Since her presentation, Makeiva Albritten has showed up in a few outstanding creations:

  • “Bond Money” (2022): A holding wrongdoing show where she played April, exhibiting her flexibility and reach as an entertainer.
  • “Queen of Kings” (2022): In this activity pressed spine chiller, Albritten’s depiction of Alicia procured her far and wide recognition.
  • “The Dirty D” (2023): Her job as Paige featured her capacity to convey complex feelings and catch crowd consideration.

At present, she is engaged with energizing new ventures, including “Drugz and Strippers” and “Make It Out 2,” promising additional dazzling exhibitions.

Makeiva Albritten TV Appearances

Notwithstanding her film work, Makeiva altogether affects TV. Her job as Kyra in “The Messy D” permitted her to exhibit her comedic timing and sensational ability.

Makeiva Albritten Accomplishments and Grants

Makeiva Albritten’s profession has been set apart by a few honors that highlight her ability and commitment. She has gotten various Best Entertainer grants and was respected with the Dance Accomplishment Grant for her extraordinary exhibitions in dance.

Makeiva Albritten Social Media Presence

Makeiva Albritten keeps a connecting with presence on different virtual entertainment stages. Her authority Facebook page gives refreshes about her vocation and individual life, while her YouTube channel highlights dance exhibitions and way of life experiences. Despite the fact that her Instagram refreshes are less incessant, her web-based presence stays dynamic and intelligent.

Makeiva Albritten Personal Life and Family

Family Foundation

Makeiva Albritten comes from a steady and affectionate family in Detroit. Her folks have been instrumental in her excursion, offering enduring help and consolation. Her dad’s commitment and her mom’s confidence in her yearnings have been huge impacts on her life.

Marital Status

In 2018, Makeiva wedded in a confidential function. Be that as it may, the marriage finished in separate in 2020 because of hostile contrasts. Notwithstanding the division, Makeiva and her ex have kept a deferential co-nurturing relationship, focusing on the prosperity of their kids.


Makeiva is a given mother to two kids: Jayden, matured four, and Kayla, matured two. She focuses on their joy and guarantees they have a satisfying youth, offsetting her profession with her obligations as a mother. Her obligation to giving them a grounded and euphoric childhood is clear in her activities and the quality time she enjoys with them.

Makeiva Albritten Future Possibilities

Makeiva Albritten’s profession is on a vertical direction, with promising activities and open doors not too far off. Her proceeded with devotion to her specialty and her dynamic presence in both film and virtual entertainment guarantee that she will stay a huge and persuasive figure in media outlets.


What is Makeiva Albrittenā€™s age and where is she from?

Makeiva Albritten was born on July 17, 1995, in Detroit, Michigan. As of 2023, she is 28 years old.

What is Makeiva Albrittenā€™s educational background?

Makeiva Albritten attended Wayne State University, where she studied theatre and dance. Her education there helped hone her acting and dancing skills.

Does Makeiva Albritten have any children?

Yes, Makeiva Albritten has two children: Jayden, who is four years old, and Kayla, who is two years old. She is a devoted mother and prioritizes their well-being.

What are some of Makeiva Albrittenā€™s notable film and TV roles?

Makeiva Albritten is known for her roles in films such as “Bond Money” and “Queen of Kings,” as well as her TV role in “The Dirty D.” She has also appeared in upcoming projects like “Drugz & Strippers” and “Make It Out 2.”


Makeiva Albritten is a rising star whose talent and dedication have already made a significant impact on the entertainment industry. Her diverse roles, impressive achievements, and vibrant social media presence position her as a prominent and influential figure. As she continues to pursue new projects and opportunities, Makeiva’s contributions to the world of entertainment will undoubtedly leave a lasting legacy.

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